Rocky Hill Baptist Church Survey
Review the following list of typical activities of a pastor:
Preparing sermons and Bible studies
Visiting church members, hospitals and shut-ins
Counseling church body and community residents
Office work, administration
Visiting prospective church members
Attending meetings or functions of the church
Participating in denominational activities
Personal evangelism, soul winning
Reading and studying
Consider the above list of typical activities of a pastor. With our church and community needs in mind, choose 3 seperate activities, by their associate number, you feel our new pastor should spend the MOST amount of time performing:
Consider the above list of typical activities of a pastor. With our church and community needs in mind, choose 3 seperate activities, by their associate number, you feel our new pastor should spend the LEAST amount of time performing:
Rate the following characteristics of a pastor in importance from 1 - 10 (1 = least, 10 = most):
Please select the answer that best represents your personal agreement or disagreement with the following statements...
Salvation - Salvation is a gift of Jesus Christ to be freely received by faith in Him.
Congregational Life - Jesus Christ is Lord (Head) of the congregation; Therefore, Christ guides the church through the Leadership of the Holy Spirit who is active in the Lives of all members.
Spiritual Gifts - The identification of spiritual gifts within believers may be helpful in assisting them in determining where and how they may serve within the congregation.
The Great Commission (Mathew: 19-20) is given to all believers, not just those called to full-time Christian service.
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